BES Cafeteria Helpful Information

Lunch menus link

Meal Prices


Regular price: $1.35

Reduced price: $.30

Adults: $1.75


Regular Price: $2.35

Reduced Price: $ 0.40

Adults: $3.75

Extra Milk:  $.0.50

School bucks link
Make lunch payments quickly!
Free lunch application link

We welcome the opportunity to provide your student with nutritious, appetizing meals at school  It has been proven that a hungry child cannot learn, and our meals provide 1/4 - 1/3 of the daily nutritional requirements for children. The Georgia Department of Education recently commended our school nutrition program for exceeding the nutritional goals for school meals!  Our meals must comply with the USDA’s guidelines for fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, calcium, iron, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, carbohydrates and calories.  Our enthusiastic employees look forward to providing a key component to your student’s success: healthy meals.

​Bowdon  Elementary has an excellent cafeteria staff that works hard to provide high quality and enjoyable meals each day.  If a child has a food allergy, parents should provide a medical note for the school file. The lunchroom staff makes every effort to work with the parents in providing alternate food items where allergies are noted.

If a sack lunch is brought from home, any drink must be in a thermos.  

No soft drinks are allowed in the cafeteria during lunch. Food ordered from restaurants (including fast-food) should not be brought into the cafeteria during lunchtime, instead, please enjoy these with your child in the Parent Cafe.